The Star Poster Happiness Guarantee

We know it can be hard to choose a gift, especially if it’s for someone else. “Will she really be happy?”, “What if he doesn’t like it?” We’ve all been there. That’s why we want to help you out and make your experience worry free with our happiness guarantee.

Our promise to you: Our high quality and unique Star Maps always spark joy and will make both, the giftee and the gifter, super happy! - Even if it’s only you since yes, you can of course get it for yourself too! In the very unlikely event where this would not be the case, we’ll simply take it back and issue a full refund.

How it works::

Within 30 days of receiving your order, you’ll be able to contact us at to let us know what happened. Our lovely customer care team will then be in touch with you and arrange the return of the print. After your request is fully processed, your refund will then be issued.

***For any questions about the products, please contact us before ordering and only do so when genuinely interested to avoid unnecessary waste production as all of our products are personalized.